Time to have your say on CPD

Posted on 17 September 2018

You may have seen a note from the Board of Examiners (BoE) asking for feedback on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) now that it has been running for 3 years. 

As the mandated extractives health and safety council, MinEx is keen to represent the views of the extractives sector and engage with the BoE in this review.
I am keen to get your input.
We have only been given a short feedback time, so I would like your comments, suggestions and  feedback on the following questions, or anything else you believe we should be commenting on in regard to the CPD system, by Friday 28 September.

1. Do you understand the CPD requirements?
2. How do you find completing the CPD requirements?
3. How easy do you find it to record your CPD and provide evidence?
Please contact me at wayne@minex.org.nz, or give me a call on 021 944 336 to discuss.

Wayne Scott